THE IRAQI ENIGMA: «The Story of Enheduanna, the World’s First Published Poet»

Valene Georges Larsen
Miembro Correspondiente
Academia Chilena de Bellas Artes


La Clarinetista, Directora del Ensemble Bartok-Chile, gestora cultural y Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Chilena de Bellas Artes señala:

“Después de 12 años de ardua  investigación sobre el Medio Oriente, antes y después de Cristo, he producido este libro que detalla la vida del primer poeta publicado de la historia: una princesa de Sumeria. A la vez cuenta la  historia verídica del arqueólogo británico que descubre su maravillosa civilización en los años 20 en el desierto de Irak”.

In the 1920’s, a British archeologist makes a shocking discovery in the Iraqi desert! Leonard Woolley, a brilliant archeologist and master spy, was sent deep into Ottoman territory in World War I. Now the war is over and Mesopotamia has become Iraq. Woolley, appointed Head of the Expedition to Ur of the Chaldees, stumbles upon physical evidence proving the existence of the world’s first published poet, Enheduanna, whose maniacal father, Sargon, coerced her into helping him plot to conquer the world. Woolley and Enheduanna’s intertwined lives span millennia between Iraq and ancient Sumeria, resurrecting and revealing Enheduanna’s civilization in all of its barbarian splendor. Larger-than-life personalities Winston Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Gertrude Bell, and Agatha Christie, are blended into the narrative, creating a novel rife with political intrigue and speculation, baring the minds and souls of the men and women who helped shape the Middle East in the early 1920’s. Fans of meticulously researched historical novels will thoroughly enjoy the rich descriptions of mysterious, forgotten lands in Leah Larson’s debut novel, The Iraqi Enigma. Let yourself be swept away to Iraq, ancient Sumeria, and the enlightened city of Ur of the Chaldees.

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